Challenges Facing Educators


To answer the universal call for education innovation that will prepare students for the workforce of the future, and insure school viability, the Alliance team has concentrated its efforts to define and target the major concerns facing educators and school administrators on-the-ground in China, India, Singapore and Southeast Asia.

Within any educational institution, the process of setting new goals, introducing new management systems and planning for the future can present great challenges.  We know the barriers, both financial and logistical, when introducing new systems into the educational community.

Across the region, administrators and education professionals are seeking to expand and internationalize curriculum, expand learning resources, and new technologies at an affordable cost, to meet these challenges and get ahead of problems before they happen.

Pressure for Improvements

Administrators face critical workloads, tight budgets and urgent management challenges throughout the region. Looking to the future, educational institutions will feel even greater pressure to:

  • improve student enrollment, increase retention rates and percentage of graduates.
  • offer students job-readiness skills that will meet the needs of future employers.
  • raise educational standards, offer high-value course content and expand student horizons.
  • provide teaching career opportunities and incentives for faculty.
  • gain international recognition for the institution.

Educators, administrators, governments, and employers are recognizing their fundamental roles in creating broad-based internationally recognized education systems linked to student employability and high productivity. At this critical time, the Alliance is focused on providing innovative technology and results-oriented learning solutions for our clients who are seeking to meet the demands of the global marketplace.