The APL platform is designed to be easily accessed and easily understood. The Alliance Team puts the highest priority on accessibility, without a need for high-tech expertise.
Working with our clients’ staff members, program coordinators and instructors, Alliance Team members provide orientation and training focused on the basic structural components of the APL Learning Management software and technology platform. This core group becomes familiar with built-in online tools, overall data management, and the specific array of features that benefit each group: administrators, academic departments, office staff, IT staff, counselors, students and instructors.
Alliance Team members provide training to students who have been selected to participate in the initial trial period. The staff and students are introduced to student management tools for online class schedules, course assignments, traditional curriculum, self-assessment programs, English language prep courses, and the student profile dashboard.
During the initial APL trial period, the team will work with school coordinators to:
- set specific measurable goals.
- provide a timeline for APL installation and “roll out’ to staff and students.
- insure compatibility with the schools existing software.
- provide seamless and efficient transfer of existing school data onto the secure APL system, and instructions for on-going school data management.
- install the school’s existing traditional curriculum (in the native
Trial Period
As soon as the APL system is launched on the school’s website, the basic APL platform and web portals are fully functional during the trial period, usually 6 months.

Expanded Access on Campus
After the initial trial period and evaluation, train-the-trainer
workshops will prepare groups of school staff members and students to train new users, and expand APL access campus-wide.
Tips, updates and how-to guides are readily available online. APL online tutorials and “Help Boxes” are accessible throughout every component of APL system. Our Trouble Shooting Team and Tech Experts are available 24 hours a day.